Have you ever been sued by a landlord?
How would you describe your noise level?
How stable is your employment history?
How much of your monthly income goes towards rent?
Have you ever been evicted from a rental property?
How much is your monthly income?
How many people will be living in the apartment?
How would you describe your credit score?
How would you describe your financial situation?
will i get approved for an apartment
you are likely to get approved for an apartment. Your credit score, income, rental history, and financial stability are favorable factors for landlords and property managers.
you may get approved but will likely need to provide additional documentation or undergo more screening. Factors like past evictions, criminal history, frequent moves, or outstanding debts could raise red flags.
you are unlikely to get approved for most apartments. Low income, poor credit, unstable employment, multiple evictions, felony convictions, and a history of breaking leases or not following rules are major deterrents for landlords.