Discover Your Wokeness Level: Take the Woke Test Today!🤔


What’s your go-to source for world updates?

Which movement resonates with you the most?

What’s your stance on cancel culture?

How do you start your mornings?

Which term best describes your lifestyle?

Your response to someone correcting you on a social issue:

How often do you explore viewpoints different from your own?

When discussing politics, you:

What’s your preferred way of supporting a cause?

How do you view discussions about privilege?

When you see injustice in public, you:

Your reaction to a new trend on TikTok is:

Discover Your Wokeness Level: Take the Woke Test Today!🤔

Discover Your Wokeness Level: Take the Woke Test Today!🤔

Discover Your Wokeness Level: Take the Woke Test Today!🤔

Discover Your Wokeness Level: Take the Woke Test Today!🤔

Discover Your Wokeness Level: Take the Woke Test Today!🤔