Is my marriage over ? quiz 👰‍♀️


How do you feel about your partner's effort in the marriage?

How often do you think about leaving the marriage?

How do you feel about your future together?

Do you feel emotionally supported by your partner?

How often do you communicate openly about your feelings?

How do you feel after spending time together?

How do you feel about spending time with your partner?

What’s your level of physical affection?

How often do you and your partner argue?

What do you argue about the most?

How do you handle disagreements?

When you imagine being with someone else, how do you feel?

Is my marriage over ? quiz 👰‍♀️

Is my marriage over ? quiz 👰‍♀️

Is my marriage over ? quiz 👰‍♀️

Is my marriage over ? quiz 👰‍♀️

Is my marriage over ? quiz 👰‍♀️