Why Do I Have No Friends ? Quiz


What's your social media activity like?

How often do you initiate plans with others?

How do you feel about meeting new people?

How do you handle disagreements with friends?

How often do you feel misunderstood by others?

How do you feel about sharing personal things with friends?

What's your approach to helping a friend in need?

What's your idea of a fun Friday night?

How do you celebrate your birthday?

You're at a party and don't know anyone, what do you do?

Why Do I Have No Friends ? Quiz

Why Do I Have No Friends ? Quiz

You're a people person through and through! You love being around others and have no trouble making friends. If you find yourself without friends, it might be because you're so busy fluttering around that you don't settle long enough to form deeper connections. Try slowing down and investing more time in fewer people.

Why Do I Have No Friends ? Quiz

You have a small circle of close friends and prefer quality over quantity. If you're feeling friendless, it could be because you're very selective about who you spend your time with. Consider opening up your circle a bit more and giving new people a chance.

Why Do I Have No Friends ? Quiz

You value your independence and often enjoy solitude. Having friends isn't your top priority, which is totally fine. However, if you're looking to make connections, try reaching out more and sharing a bit of yourself with others.

Why Do I Have No Friends ? Quiz

You march to the beat of your own drum and don't rely on others for your sense of self. This can sometimes lead to isolation. If you're seeking friendship, consider how your actions and attitudes might be perceived and try to find common ground with others.